We are now accepting submissions from all animals!
We are collecting ticks from animals across the nation. Do you find ticks? We want to know what species they are and what diseases they might be carrying.
Our Mission
Phase 1- to identify the tick species present on animals across the United States
Phase 2- to characterize the tick-borne disease agents carried by ticks in different geographic regions
How it works
You send us the ticks with an accompanying submission sheet.
Ticks arrive in the lab where they are labeled and identified to genus and species.
We send an email reporting the type of tick and what pathogens it could transmit.
A subset of ticks will have DNA extracted for PCR to test for pathogens. (Phase 2)
Worked with veterinarians throughout North America identifying ticks from dogs and cats
Documented presence of tick-borne disease agents in many different species of ticks
Conducted studies to map the distribution of ticks and tick-borne disease agents in pets across North America
Described the expanding geographic range of Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections